Welcome to Kids Need Enrichment!

Kids Need Enrichment is an organization dedicated to putting the amazing, fun, and powerful world of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM) in the hands of kids (and kids at heart). We believe that learning should be awesome and fun. Our philosophy is to Expose, Engage, and Challenge:

  1. Expose kids to the different aspects of STEAM, so they can answer the basic question of “What is it?”
  2. Engage kids to take an active role and experience “Why are these things important?”
  3. Challenge kids to take it to the next level and figure out “How do I use this to make a difference?”

Since we believe that the best learning doesn’t take place in isolation, we’ve created a community where parents and kids can learn from each other. We hope you will join us in exploring the amazing world of STEAM!

Recent Updates

The Biggest Organism

By Alexa, age 12 What is the biggest organism? You might say “That’s easy, the Blue Whale,” but is that really the biggest organism? Well, you might notice 2 things. First of all, I said biggest organism. That includes all…


“One of the most wonderful things about STEM Night was that the children got immersed in learning from young adults who were not that much older than themselves. It brought complex topics like physics, chemistry, biology and technology all within reach of these young minds. STEM Night sparked the scientific imagination of children and parents alike.”

Local Parent

“STEM Night was a blast. Each station was so fun and engaging that the kids didn’t even notice they were learning in the process. The whole experience was made even better by the high school student volunteers who were great with the younger kids. My kids are already looking forward to next year.”

Local Parent